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Asana Tips: Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Although this pose may look and be called Easy Pose, I would argue it's one of the more difficult asanas (postures) to practice. Sitting in utter stillness (especially without back support) for extended periods of time is not something western society typically creates space for on a day-to-day basis. It seems like we are encouraged to constantly stay active, busy, and stimulated. Rarely giving our mind time to rest. So when the time comes to practice presence and stillness, it can feel uncomfortable & fidgety.

Mind-body presence is the foundation of yoga, and Sukhasana is the perfect place to begin this practice. You can also use this asana for meditation, when practicing breathwork, or whenever you're needing to drop into your body and find presence.

How to:

  1. Come into a cross-legged seated position with your knees over your ankles.

  2. Ground down through your sit bones. Rest your hands on your knees or lap with palms facing up or down.

  3. Keep a long spine and lengthen through the crown of your head.

  4. Glide your shoulders down and back, and gently lift your chest towards the front of the room.

  5. Try to keep your pelvis neutral, and be sure not to overarch the lower back.


  • Place a block or folded blanket under your hips to elevate them higher than your knees. This will help you keep length in the spine. Tight hips and problems lengthening can be solved this way.

  • Place a block under each knee.

  • If your outer ankles are uncomfortable, you can pad them with a blanket.

Additional Tips:

  • Close your eyes while in this pose and gently scan your body starting at the crown of your head and slowly moving all the way down to your toes. Notice any physical sensations or emotions come up as you scan, but don't judge it. Simply note it, and continue scanning. This builds awareness of the sensations in your body, allowing you to strengthen your awareness and connection to self. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us, and this is an opportunity for us to listen.

Physical Benefits:

  • Opens the hips

  • Lengthens the spine

  • Nourishes the organs and increases their activity

Emotional Wellness Benefits:

  • Brings balance and clarity to the mind

  • Has a relaxing effect on the nervous system

  • Helps connect mind-body awareness


Avoid this pose if you have had a recent or chronic knee or hip injury, or inflammation.


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